Duties Of A Class Teacher In Classroom

Let’s imagine a journey back in time to ancient Greece, where the renowned philosopher Plato shared his wisdom with eager students amidst the tranquil setting of olive trees. One of his notable pupils was Aristotle, who soaked up invaluable knowledge under Plato’s tutelage.

Plato wasn’t your run-of-the-mill lecturer; he sparked his students’ curiosity and encouraged them to explore the world around them. His classroom was a sanctuary where students felt valued and secure, like part of a big family.

In today’s classrooms, teachers strive to recreate this sense of belonging and warmth. They work hard to make the classroom a cozy and inviting space where everyone feels included and appreciated. Teachers use all sorts of fun techniques, like gamification. and experiments, to make learning enjoyable.

Top 7 Duties Of A Class Teacher In Class

From finding ways to make hard concepts understandable easily to motivating students for increased engagement, there are lots of responsibilities that a class teacher has to fulfill. Out of them, the major duties of a class teacher are:

1. Creating a Friendly Classroom

Teachers understand that a positive classroom environment is crucial for learning. They foster a sense of community among students, encouraging teamwork and promoting collaborative learning. By nurturing positive relationships, teachers create a supportive atmosphere where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and taking risks in their learning journey.

2. Making Learning Fun

Gone are the days of dull lectures and textbooks. Today’s teachers are constantly innovating to engage students in classrooms through social media, AR, AI, and other technological tools. Whether it’s through hands-on activities or lively discussions, teachers use various strategies like micro teaching to captivate their students’ interest and make learning exciting.

3. Helping Each Student

Every student is unique, with their own strengths and challenges. Teachers tailor their support to meet the individual needs of each student, ensuring that no one is left behind. They provide extra help to weak students and offer enrichment opportunities for those who need a challenge.

4. Being a Good Example

Teachers serve as role models for their students, embodying values like kindness, honesty, and perseverance. They demonstrate the importance of hard work and lifelong learning, inspiring their students to strive for their best.

5. Talking and Listening

Effective communication is key to a successful classroom. Teachers maintain open lines of communication with students, parents, and colleagues. They listen to students’ thoughts and concerns, valuing their input and building trust.

6. Standing Up for Students

Teachers advocate for their students, ensuring that every child has access to quality education and support services. They fight for equal opportunities and work to create an inclusive environment where all students can thrive.

7. Always Learning

Just like their students, teachers are lifelong learners. They seek out new ideas to improve their teaching strategies and meet the needs of their students.

By embracing continuous learning, teachers inspire curiosity and innovation in their classrooms.


In conclusion, the role of a teacher goes far beyond imparting knowledge. At Quick Campus our teacher capacity building programme enhances teaching expertise, covering pedagogical strategies, and innovative instructional techniques. Teachers are the architects of inspiration, nurturing a love for learning and shaping the future generation. Through their dedication and passion, teachers leave a lasting impact on the lives of their students.